Cervical cancer may be a sort of cancer when an abnormal growth of cells occurs rapidly within the lowermost a part of the uterus which connects to the vagina. HPV (Human papillomavirus), a sexually transmitted disease may be a leading explanation for cervical cancer in most of the cases. Though HPV doesn't harm and women’s system prevents the virus to cause harm within the body. Are you looking for a Low-Cost Cervical Cancer Treatment in India? HMSDESK will offer the best treatment options in India.
What is Cervical Cancer?
Cancer may be a disease that occurs thanks to the abnormal growth of cells within the body in any part of it. When this abnormal growth starts within the female reproductive part within the cervix region then it causes cervical cancer. Almost 90% of the cases are diagnosed with cervical cancer that already has an STD called HPV. The risk of getting cervical cancer are often prevented by having certain tests and HIV prevention vaccine. Cervical cancer is broadly classified as:
Squamous cell carcinoma: This generally occurs outside the cervix till the vagina. Most of the cases of cervical cancer are epithelial cell carcinoma only.
Adenocarcinoma: It affects directly on the glandular cells of the canalis cervicis uteri.
What causes Cervical Cancer?
Cervical cancer generally begins when genetic cells start mutating and switch into an abnormally growing cell which is unstoppable. They form a mass and gradually start spreading within the nearby areas also. the main cause remains not evaluated but maximum cases of HPV show the symptoms of cervical cancer. the opposite symptoms which cause cervical cancer can be:
Bleeding just after intercourse
Urinary compliance
Having sexual activity at an early age.
Use of pill tablets.
Having multiple sexual partners.
Heavy watery, bloody discharge from the vagina with a foul odor.
Other factors like lifestyle.
The procedure
Before the procedure starts, doctors advise patients to submit blood samples after menstruation and through this, a sample of cells is taken from canalis cervicis uteri and from the uterus surface lining. Before the procedure starts few tests are required to be done:
Laser surgery
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure
Cold knife conization
Hysterectomy cone biopsy
Cervical cancer or any cancer is split into different stages.
Stage 0:The first and the first stage of cancer. it's classified as carcinoma in place, the first sort of cervical cancer. In this, the abnormal growth occurs on the surface of the cervix, and a pap-test is usually recommended for further procedure.
StageIA1: This stage detects cancer within the lymphovascular region. the expansion of cancer cells within the blood cells. The patient affected by stage IA1cervical cancer is going to be treated primarily with radiotherapy and chemotherapy at an equivalent time. Cone biopsy is preferred during this stage for fertility and straightforward hysterectomy is preferred for non-fertility as during this cancer starts growing within the blood cells.
Stage IA2: Cone biopsy is performed during this stage to get rid of pelvic lymph nodes because it is redirected to the pregnancy of female. within the case of no fertility, external beam radiotherapy and panhysterectomy are employed to get rid of lymph nodes.
Stage IB and IIA: Under this after diagnosis, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are performed.
Stages IB2 and IIA2: Chemoradiation is employed as a typical procedure followed by a hysterectomy.
Stages IIB, III, and IVA: Chemoradiation is completed. However, radiotherapy is performed by external beam therapy and brachytherapy.
Stage IVB: this is often considered because the last stage of cancer isn't curable as cancer cells spread in other body parts also. Treatments are performed only to alleviate the pain that occurs thanks to symptoms within the body.
Post-Cervical Cancer Treatment Care
Regular workout.
A follow-up for a check-up should be done.
Change in lifestyle.
Results of Cervical Cancer
If cervical cancer gets a proper cure on time at Stage 0 then the lifetime of a patient is often safe from further injuries. If a patient is diagnosed with Stage IVB then it's incurable but experts do chemoradiation therapies and prescribe chemo drugs to stop him from the symptoms which cause pain to the patient. Cervical cancer can reoccur if weight loss, fatigue, back pain, excess leakage of blood from the vagina, swelling occurs.
Cervical Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Find the Best Cervical Cancer Treatment with the latest technology in the best hospitals in India. The average cost for the best Cervical Cancer Treatment in India ranges between USD 1000 to USD 4000 depending upon the hospital and facilities.
Best Cervical Cancer Surgery Hospitals in India
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai
Medanta The Medicity Hospital, Gurgaon
MPCT Hospital, Mumbai
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